The Opéra-Comique strives to offer the best reception and the most optimal seat placing to all audiences.
- A dedicated contact to prepare your visit
- A suitable seat if needed
- Adapted introductions to the shows
- Dedicated workshops and tours during Les Journées du patrimoine / Heritage days and Tous à l’opéra
Please contact us for more customised solutions making the Opéra-Comique accessible to all.
Audiences with impaired mobility
Specific arrangements :
Seat placing made comfortable
16 seats are dedicated to people with reduced mobility, on reservation at the box office or by phone.
Access to the lift is located 5, rue Favart. Headsets and magnetic loops are available at the ticket inspection desk, on deposit of your ID.
On reservation at the box office or by phone
Download the floor plan of the salle Favart
A specific rate
You and your caregiver benefit from a 50% discount on presentation of your disability card.
Please contact us for more customised solutions making the Opéra-Comique accessible to all.
Deaf and hearing-impaired audiences
Specific arrangements:
Amplification headsets and magnetic loops
The salle Favart is equipped with amplification headsets and magnetic loops. Available before the performance at the ticket inspection, free of charge on deposit of your ID.
A specific rate
You and your caregiver benefit from a 50% discount on presentation of your disability card.
Nous vous conseillons de nous contacter pour vous conseiller dans le choix des places les plus adaptées.
Blind and visually-impaired audiences
Specific arrangements :
Shows with audio description
Audio description is available for each opera. Thanks to headsets, visually-impaired audiences can hear a faithful and sensitive description of the scenography, costumes and decor.
Image whisperers
A volunteer whispers in the ear of a deaf or visually impaired member of the audience to describe the various visual elements of the performance. Available on demand :
Please contact us for more customised solutions making the Opéra-Comique accessible to all.
Braille, large prints and audio programmes
Braille and large prints programmes are available on site before the performance, free of charge.
Tactile tours
Gain insight on the Opéra-Comique’s hall and history as our expert takes you on a tactile tour of the opera house. This season, we revive tradition involving the performing-arts professionals who work behind the scenes of our productions.
Rate: 5 € for blind or visually-impaired audiences, free of charge for the caregiver
Guide dogs
Guide dogs accompanying visually-impaired visitors are allowed in the opera house.
A specific rate
You and your caregiver benefit from a 50% discount on presentation of your disability card.
Please contact us for more customised solutions making the Opéra-Comique accessible to all.
Prior to the opera audio description, you’re invited to an adapted tactile presentation of the performance, 30 minutes before the doors open. On registration 01 70 23 01 44 /
Several operas are available in audio description. "Image whisperers” are also available on demand at the following dates :

Audiences with mental or psychic disabilities
Specific arrangements
Relax Sessions
Relax sessions offer an inclusive caring environment for people whose disability (autism, multiple disabilities, mental or psychic disability, Alzheimer…) may give rise to atypical and unpredictable behaviour during the show. Artists and audiences are aware, the opera-house’s standard procedures are more flexible and everyone can experience emotions freely without fearing stares from others.
In partnership with the association Culture Différence, which supports performance halls and venues in their desire to facilitate access to culture for people with complex disabilities.
With the support of the Fondation Malakoff Humanis Handicap
FALC guides
Before any Relax session you will receive a FALC guide which will present the opera’s creation context and history while enabling you to identify specific points of the performance that might elicit strong reactions.
Consult the FALC guide: Easy to Read and Understand by Médée here
A specific rate
- Relax operas: 10 € for under 18 and 20 € for adults.
- Other Relax sessions: 5 € for under 18 and 10 € for adults.
You and your caregiver benefit from a 50% discount on all other performances (except Relax), on presentation of your disability card.
Several operas in Relax are also available on demand at the following dates :

How to get here?
Check our modalities of access before the show :
I’m going to the Théâtre National de l’Opéra Comique | Place Boieldieu
I’m going to the Théâtre National de l’Opéra Comique | Rue Favart, PRM entrance
The main entrance of the opera house opens 45 minutes before performances.
- Main entrance > Place Boieldieu - 75002
- Access for people with impaired mobility > 5, rue Favart. The lift is accessible.
- Porte 8 Access > Entrance (ground floor) rue Marivaux, on the side of the theatre.
- Vigipirate > When the French anti-terrorist plan is activated, a visual inspection of our visitor's bags and coats will be carried out at the entrance of the building. Bulky items and suitcases are not allowed in the precincts of the theatre.
Carpark : Chauchat Drouot and Bourse
Flat fee parking: From 6pm to 2am, benefit from an exclusive rate of 5 €, thanks to our partnership with the carpark Chauchat Drouot (voucher available in the theatre hall on the night of the performance)
Disabled parking spaces : 3, rue Marivaux (50 m) / 21-25-29, boulevard des Italiens (150 m) / 7, boulevard Haussmann (100 m) / 28, rue Feydeau (150 m) / 53, rue Vivienne (200 m)
Métro Richelieu - Drouot (lines 8 and 9) or Quatre-Septembre (line 3)
RER Auber (RER A)
Bus 20, 27, 39, 48, 67, 74, 85, 95
1 and 7, rue Favart - 75002 Paris
24 and 28, rue Saint-Marc - 75002 Paris
11 and 15, boulevard des Italiens - 75002 Paris