5 young solo singers receive the Menda scholarship 2021

The Malvina and Denise Menda scholarships.

Published on 5 July 2021

Les bourses Malvina et Denise Menda

Thanks to generous bequests from Malvina and Denise Menda, the Opéra Comique and the Fondation de France nominated 5 scholarship laureates last 30th June. The 9,500€ Malvina and Denise Menda scholarships have been awarded to talented young vocal singers in the making.

The two “pupil” laureates are:
Ms Justine Chauzy le Joly, soprano
Ms Violette Clapeyron, soprano

The three “young soloist” laureates are:
Mr Yoann Dubruque, baryton
Ms Margot Genet, soprano
Ms Apolline Rai-Westphal, soprano

The “Malvina and Denise Menda” scholarships combine artistic ambition with social vision, promoting true equal opportunities based on talent. The scholarships are awarded once a year by the Opéra Comique based on both social criteria and excellence.